Easter at Jerry & Gail's

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    As we have done for the past few years, we headed off to Jerry & Gail's house for an Easter Egg hunt in the afternoon. Since they were just returning from a relaxing week in Arizona, we snacked on finger food instead of a full out meal today, but the kids didn't seem to mind (more room for candy!) and the adults all plenty to eat as well. After our snack the adults headed out side to hide 247 eggs, enough for approximately 22 eggs for each of the 11 kids in attendance (in addition to Tyler, Samantha, Drew, and Jayden, Donovan and Marissa joined us along with Adam, Veronica, Lilly, Olivia - who didn't hunt for eggs! - Skyler, and Xaiver). Although I am not sure that they found all of the eggs that were hidden, there was still plenty of candy to go around. All in all it was an enjoyable afternoon, with family and weather that made things just about perfect!

Easter at Jerry & Gail's House

Drew enjoyed his time holding his newest cousin - baby Olivia.

Drew running across the yard in his search for eggs.

Donovan and Tyler prepared to battle over one of the eggs.

Donovan running by as Jayden looks for some eggs.

Adam running past while Jay picks up an egg from the ground.

Marissa looking for an egg by the trees.

Samantha running by as Marissa picks up another egg.

Tyler racing across the yard in search of another egg.

Marissa making her way through the yard in her search for another egg.

Erica, Marissa, and Sam strolling through the grass in a search for their final few eggs.

Safely back inside, Drew took a moment to enjoy his haul.

The rest of the family gathered around the dining room to sort through their newly acquired candy.

Donovan, Erica, and Marissa found a spot in the warm sun to sift through their candy.

Another look at the family around the dining room table.


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