Tyler's Pictures

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    Since Tyler carried a camera around on occasion during our trip and many of our pictures tended to overlap, I have included a separate set of pages just for Tyler's pictures. They are grouped together by the day they were taken, as opposed to the way I divided up my pictures. This was done primarily because Tyler didn't take as many pictures as I did (I'm sorry... I just can't help myself).

    On the first day of our trip we rode the bus to Hartwick Pines State Park, then on to Colonial Michilimackinac, and on to St. Ignace. Here we boarded the ferry for our trip to Mackinac Island, where we checked into our hotel, ate dinner, and the kids watched a movie ("Bolt"). I have to admit to taking the first few pictures... it was sprinkling out and this camera is waterproof, so I used it instead of mine. Otherwise, the rest are Tyler's.

    Enjoy the trip through Tyler's eyes!

Monday, June 1st

Tyler on the bus during the ride north to Hartwick Pines State Park.

Tyler sitting in front of the sign where we entered the park.

The Michigan Forest Visitor Center sign for the Old Growth Forest.

The Mackinac Bridge, as seen from the Lake Huron side of Mackinaw City.

If you read the captions while looking at the other pictures, you would know that this is Rodney, taking a picture of Tyler taking a picture of Rodney near the Mackinac Bridge.

A look at the beach and a couple of the islands near Mackinac.

A picture of Rodney sitting in the spot that Tyler found. He thought the rocks would make for a nice spot to take a picture.

One of the other groups from Tyler's class. He thought that he needed this for his assignment folder, but in reality he needed a picture of his group. Still, it is a nice picture.

Tyler's baseball teammate, Matt. He goes to Holly Elementary, which was taking their trip to Mackinac at the same time.

Another one of Tyler's baseball teammates - J.J.(wearing the gray shirt). J.J. also goes to Holly El.

Danny talking to one of the "soldiers" stationed inside the fort.

Another "soldier" talking about the steps required to fire his weapon (and what to do in case it didn't work, which was quite frequently).

Some of the school kids got to help prep the cannon before it was fired.

    Day two started off with a carriage ride tour of the island, which is when Tyler took the majority of today's pictures. He also took a couple of pictures in the hotel lobby, one of which was a requirement of his homework.

Tuesday, June 2nd

A couple of bicyclists passing our carriage as we approach town.

Fort Mackinac as seen from the carriage.

A little closer to town.

Tyler's teacher, Mr. Miller, with Rodney trying to stay out of the way.

Another horse and carriage going in the opposite direction.

A look at some of the buildings down Market Street.

Tyler's classmate David wearing a "bat-hat" (crazy hats seemed to be a huge hit with some of the other schools, most of ours tended to stay away from them).

Please click here for page two of the photos


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